Oracle ora 00913 insert pdf

Check the number of items in each set and change the sql statement to make them equal. You tried to execute a sql statement that required two equal sets of values, but the second set contains fewer values than the first set. How to select 2 table record,add and insert into 3rd table between two dates using loop. Logins are disallowed because an instance started in restricted mode. Developers and dbas get help from oracle experts on. Spool generated for class of oracle by satish k yellanki. For queries and live project experience in any domain.

Hi, i have created a table with 2 columns and i have created the view as follows create view testview as select from testtable view is created successfully. Also, on the oracle technology forums, a user is reminded that in order to avoid ora 009, you have to keep in mind that you can update as many records as you want, as many as your undo can support. Ora 01035 oracle only available to users with restricted session privilege. Spool generated for class of oracle by satish k yellanki document generated by skyess techno solutions pvt. You need to modify your insert statement so there are the same number of columns as there are values. The sql statement requires two sets of values equal in number. If oracle has been initialized, then on some operating systems, verify that oracle was linked correctly.

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